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049IA – Cassini Iapetus Targeted Flyby (Rev. 049, 10 Sep 2007)
              Planning Web Page

Images can be found --> here


The Cassini group of ISS Team member Prof. Gerhard Neukum was responsible for imaging planning of Cassini's targeted flyby at Iapetus on 10 September 2007. We also helped to design the timeline during the SOST Iapetus segment (08 September 2007 21:50 to 12 September 2007 21:35 UTC/SCET), initiated a reference trajectory tweak to significantly improve closest-approach science without sacrificing the UVIS stellar occultation, and designed the spacecraft attitude (trackings, mosaics, pointings) of the VIMS_049IA_ORSHIRES001_PRIME request for all remote-sensing (ORS) and fields-and-particle (MAPS) instruments. This request covers the time frame from 55 min before to 3 hours after closest approach.

The 049IA flyby is the only Iapetus flyby within Cassini's six years long orbit tour. Iapetus is difficult to reach because it is far away from the other satellites, and because it's orbit has a significant inclination. On the other side, with 2.4 km/s or ~9000 km/h relative velocity, the Iapetus flyby is a very slow flyby, giving the scientific instruments much more time to collect data from nearby than at other satellite flybys. This web page describes the ISS planning in great detail.

More general information about the flyby can be found on the web sites from JPL and CICLOPS:


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