Iapetus rev 49 requests: ISS_049IA_SATUSHINE001_PRIME


Update: 09 Aug 2007 (TD)



Start UTC: 2007-253T04:20:00

Duration: 01:06 h

Alloc. data volume: 200 Mb. ISSPT: 195.5 Mb.

TelMode: S&ER-3

Attitude: ISS_NAC to Iapetus (NEG_X to NEP)

Trigger: 2379

Spatial resolution (NAC) = 499 ... 443 m/pxl



    UTC             ALTITUDE  SC_LAT   SC_LON   Sun_LAT  Sun_LON  PHASE

2007 SEP 10 04:20      83134     9.7     65.5       1.4    212.6  145.0

2007 SEP 10 04:30      81728     9.7     65.6       1.4    212.6  144.9

2007 SEP 10 04:40      80322     9.7     65.7       1.4    212.6  144.9

2007 SEP 10 04:50      78916     9.7     65.7       1.4    212.6  144.9

2007 SEP 10 05:00      77511     9.7     65.8       1.4    212.7  144.9

2007 SEP 10 05:10      76105     9.7     65.9       1.4    212.7  144.8

2007 SEP 10 05:20      74699     9.7     65.9       1.4    212.7  144.8

2007 SEP 10 05:26      73855     9.7     66.0       1.4    212.8  144.8


Goals: - Highest-resolution complete crescent of flyby
- High-res. mapping of bright north and south polar latitudes in Saturn shine
- Ridge NAC stereo partner for WAC 049IA_CASSREG request
- Landslide crater saturnshine imaging attempt


Pointing (pdt issues):
- 4-frames mosaic of illuminated crescent; dwell = 2:00 min
- 1x3 mosaic at south; dwell = 5:00 min/ftprt; covered latitudes: down to 45°S
- 1x3 mosaic at north; dwell = 5:00 min/ftprt; covered latitudes: down to 45°N
- Equator (ridge) at crescent; dwell = 3:11 min.
- 1x1 sit'n'stare over landslide crater (6°N/36°W in upper half of image) (allows shorter read-out times); dwell = 14:05 min.


Exposures (ISSPT issues):
- N03 (2sum, all g=2): Uv3 26s; Grn 1.2s; Ir1 1.0s + NAC clr fullres. 1.5s (g=2)
Saturnshine (poles):
- 3 NAC clr shutters: 32s (2sum, g=2); 2x 32s (fullres., g=3)
Ridge at crescent (stereo):
- N03 (2sum): Uv3 32s (g=3); Grn 3.8s (g=2); Ir1 3.2s (g=2);
- NAC clr 4.6s
- WAC clr 260ms (straylight test) + 120ms (both WACs in BOTSIMs)
Saturnshine (landslide crater):
- Eight long exp. 32s (fullres., g=3); two 2sum (46s + 32s, g=3)


Miscellaneous information:
- Saturn phase angle: ~35° (rev B/C was ~70°)